"It's over six years since Nada Surf annexed MTV with their sardonic slacker anthem "Popular", before apparently vanishing into the post-Nirvana one-hit wonders Satchel. But any surprise at the existence of this third LP is nothing compared to the fact of the record's brilliance - "Mojo, Let Go" is Nada Surf's first full-length in over 4 years and is a departure from their two previous efforts. A must for fans.
Although there are moments of familiar sonic concussion on Let Go, thenew Nada Surf album, it's clear that the band is taking something of abreather after having extricated themselves from the major label wringer on2000's The Proximity Effect, which took two exasperating years torelease. Nada Surf retains much of their previous volume but replaces blusterand abandon with thoughtful deliberation, especially on the quiet thump of "Blondeon Blonde," the ruminative melancholic pop of "Killian's Red,"the Nick-Drake-whisper-meets-R.E.M.-scream range of "Fruit Fly" andthe acoustic insistence of "Blizzard of 77," where Matthew Caws doeshis best Al-Stewart-with-muscles imitation. Whether Let Go is a diversionor a direction as the band contemplates where to go in light of these last twofabulously diverse albums, Nada Surf serves notice of their considerable deptheither way.