Fabric Selects is the fifth installment of the series, this time with a selection of house and minimal groves from artists connected to the club. The hand - stamped white label Vinyl V/A sampler, will be the first of it's kind for fabric, featuring 5 original cuts from the compilation. A dreamy house track from fuse head honcho Enzo Siragusa that you can be sure you will hear this summer all over Ibiza.Traumer's track 'Fabrication' showcases his trademark sound of irresistible drum patterns and bassline grooves, Sweely's 'Minimal Satisfaction' delivers exactly what the title describes, a masterclass in minimal house production; Laidlaw's contribution is a chunky filtered house track with that drops into a beautiful chord progression and Voigtmann rounds off this 'must have ' 300 copy limited vinyl edition with a peak time bass-heavy sophisticated house banger.Tracklisting:A1. Enzo Siragusa - Last E A2. Traumer - Fabrication B1. Sweely - Minimal Satisfaction B2. Voigtmann - Something Nice B3. Laidlaw - Under Control
Fabric Selects is the fifth installment of the series, this time with a selection of house and minimal groves from artists connected to the club. The hand - stamped white label Vinyl V/A sampler, will be the first of it's kind for fabric, featuring 5 original cuts from the compilation. A dreamy house track from fuse head honcho Enzo Siragusa that you can be sure you will hear this summer all over Ibiza.Traumer's track 'Fabrication' showcases his trademark sound of irresistible drum patterns and bassline grooves, Sweely's 'Minimal Satisfaction' delivers exactly what the title describes, a masterclass in minimal house production; Laidlaw's contribution is a chunky filtered house track with that drops into a beautiful chord progression and Voigtmann rounds off this 'must have ' 300 copy limited vinyl edition with a peak time bass-heavy sophisticated house banger.Tracklisting:A1. Enzo Siragusa - Last E A2. Traumer - Fabrication B1. Sweely - Minimal Satisfaction B2. Voigtmann - Something Nice B3. Laidlaw - Under Control
Fabric Selects is the fifth installment of the series, this time with a selection of house and minimal groves from artists connected to the club. The hand - stamped white label Vinyl V/A sampler, will be the first of it's kind for fabric, featuring 5 original cuts from the compilation. A dreamy house track from fuse head honcho Enzo Siragusa that you can be sure you will hear this summer all over Ibiza.Traumer's track 'Fabrication' showcases his trademark sound of irresistible drum patterns and bassline grooves, Sweely's 'Minimal Satisfaction' delivers exactly what the title describes, a masterclass in minimal house production; Laidlaw's contribution is a chunky filtered house track with that drops into a beautiful chord progression and Voigtmann rounds off this 'must have ' 300 copy limited vinyl edition with a peak time bass-heavy sophisticated house banger.Tracklisting:A1. Enzo Siragusa - Last E A2. Traumer - Fabrication B1. Sweely - Minimal Satisfaction B2. Voigtmann - Something Nice B3. Laidlaw - Under Control